The Real Biography Of Alhaji Lamidi Mukaila(a. k. a Auxiliary), Park Management System Boss in Oyo State. Series 2....

  Mukaila’s birth, he thought was a clear indication that his marriage to the boys mother held a couple of exciting and delicious promises about a brighter future. He smiled repeatedly, overwhelmed by the gripping surge of excitement that built up inside of him, he tried as much as he could to fight back the urge and temptation to cast the baby up in the air and catch him back again. He could trust that the of gravity would do its duty of bringing the boy down to his waiting arms, but decided against such dangerous acrobatics, and held the infant boy closely to his chest instead, pronouncing silent prayers upon him and tapping his back gently, before breaking into a loud rendition of the family’s panegyrics,
Omo ikulodoto ti igbomiwa
omo ara iresa
omo sogbe
omo momu momu
omo abi layeni aye npa
omo oje ki je I gabeni wok o gbodo orofo
omo afi fi oti me
omo wo ni ile Ajibojuni ile Akinroye
omo ati han Ayo lo ja si Nile wa** **
While growing up;Little Mukaila attracted a great deal of attention and affection from his father who was fascinated with the thoughts that his son Mukaila shared an impressive range of striking physical and behavioral similarities with him. Such thoughts as it was usually the case sparked a deep sense of pride and honour in the old man who usually regarded and referred to Mukaila as a true son of his father. “a lion must beget a lion, and there are no alternative ways about it” said Pa Lamidi with a happy smile playing upon his face. The little boy, Mukaila, only looked at his father and smiled innocently back at him because he had not the slightest understanding of what his father was his father was talking about. Mukaila was only about four years of age at the time and was yet reach the agreeable school age of that era. About the time of Mukaila’s birth, the agreeable age to begin elementary school was tied around the attainment of age six seven or the ability to reach out with ones right hand over the head and stretching across to touch the ear.
 Mukaila’s birth has sparked off the characteristic polygamous rivalry within the immediate family circle, most of the siblings and his mothers co-wives especially had reckoned that Mukaila’s presence had diminished Pa Lamidi’s affection for the rest of them, and they constantly sought petty means of diluting this affection or completely getting rid of it. This they hoped to achieve by reporting every mistake of Mukaila to their father, in demeaning tones or undertones of exaggeration. While, Pa Lamidi being an uncompromising disciplinarian, took note of all the petty allegations leveled against Mukaila, but without at that moment taking any actions. Little Mukaila gave no thoughts to this situations,due to his father’s indifference or decisions to take those accusations, petty as they seem, with a sleight of hand. Hence Mukaila grew up with an inflated feeling of confidence about his father’s affection toward him , believing quite erroneously that the love of a father was one so heavy that it could never dare to bear the emotional burnt of punishing a son who was so dearly beloved, just for the sakes of correcting him, an offence which he actually committed. This childhood ignorance drove Mukaila again and again into the fringes of defiance and petty moral misdemeanors, which eventually took the shine of his father’s affections for him, over the intervening years that followed.



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